Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Storyboard assignment 5: My Neighbor Totoro additional scene

This assignment is to board a new additional make up scene in the film My Neighbor Totoro. This additional scene takes place during the bus stop scene where Mei and Satsuki is waiting for their father to come back. When this scene ends, it should hook back up where Mei runs back to Satsuki.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Bounty Hunter Babe Finished!!!!

I'm kinda satisfied on how it turn out. But other than that, I still need to improve.
Here's the finished work!!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Bounty Hunter babe - Working progress 1

Haven't paint in while. Just wanted to paint before I start school. I'm trying out new technique where you paint the image on Grey scale first and then changing it into color. So this is what I have so far....

Planning process....

Just need to get the values right before I can start the actually coloring. I feel like I need to put a tattoo or something on the character. But other than that it's going quite the way I like it.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Character design and planning for the step up and step down assignment

My next animation assignment is to make a character to walk up stairs and back down. It will step up in one emotion and step down in another emotion. My character will walk up tired and then puts on headphones to give him the motivation and energy to walk down stairs.

This the character I'm gonna animate. 

There must be a 5 second pause when he reaches the top. This
is my thumb nailing process of how my character gonna react when he 
look down stairs. 

Thumb nailing on how he is going to anticipate. 

Monday, June 24, 2013

10 mins and 15 min life drawings

Here are some of the 10 mins drawings I have.

Ops dislocated the feet there.

The last one here is 15 mins, which is probably the best one in here.

5 mins life drawing

So here is the life drawings I need for the last 2 weeks.

I guess I have improved. I am trying to go to life drawing everyday over the summer. Lets see how far I can get by the end of the summer!!

Finally I have made a blog yay!! I'll be posting school works, personal works, and random stuff. I'm currently working on an animation project involving this cat, so stay tuned my fans....if I have any. Lol.